Giving you direction
At John Alam & Partners Financial Advisers, we treat each client holistically and cover every aspect of their financial needs through our partnerships. We aim to give our clients direction, help them meet their financial goals, and ultimately achieve financial freedom.

Financial Advice
Strategies tailored for every stage of your life; combining your cashflow/budgeting, investment, superannuation, and insurance needs to provide you with holistic advice.

Self-Managed Super
Helping you decide whether this is the appropriate superannuation vehicle for you and providing advice on the investment strategy and cashflow of the fund.

Aged Care Advice
Helping you and your family navigate the complexities of residential aged care and simplify the process while looking at strategies to fund accommodation payments, minimise costs and maximise benefits.
Get in touch
02 9520 4433
1st Floor, 53 Station Street
Engadine, NSW 2233PO Box 407
Surry Hills, NSW 2010